Kai Allen Nebel, age 82.Predeceased by beloved wife Maria.Survived by children:Natalia,Silvia,Isabella,Erik(Aleli).Grandchildren:Gabriella,Jonathan,Stephan,Alexander;Brother Bernard,family in US,Italy,and Germany.He attended Princeton,then Harvard Law School; a man who read Dante in the original Italian and a life long admirer of Abraham Lincoln’s literary and legal works. He had a significant legal career in Chicago, IL for over fifty years with major law firms:Boodell,Sears,Sugrue,Giambalvo & Crowley;Keck,Mahin, and Cate; and, Foley and Lardner. Kai was an author of Illinois’Tax Increment Financing (TIF) legislation. Highland Park, IL used TIF to refinance its downtown renovation. Chicago uses it for urban renovation that includes the landmark building "The Chicago Theater". Kai spearheaded a pro-bono coalition that prevented the demolition of "Skokie School" in Winnetka, IL. No flowers